Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Computer Graphics

The wild poem is a substitute,
for the woman one loves or ought to love.
One wild rhapsody
a fake for another.-Wallace Stevens

I fell in love with Computer graphics after I saw Titanic. At that point I had no interest in Computer science,I detested coding. This started to change in 2000, when I started working in Boston. Walking back though Harvard yard from the train stop every day,watching all the bright people around you, probably had something to do with it. Computer graphics was the wild poem that kept me alive though the years in America. It was like chasing a woman giving up everything else in your life, but never catching up with her.But it lured me into getting an MS.
Guy Kawasaki says, "Pursue joy, not happiness." (Hindsight #9)
In declining 4 job offers over the past one year, I've been doing exactly that. Time will tell.

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